Thursday, December 20, 2007

On Using Templates

I am starting a project for SEOWeboworks in downtown Plymouth as my first real work experience. I am working a test project they want me to work on before I start doing actual work. The project uses a templating structure that will auto-generate similar web pages for their Ticketing website replacing the artist's name on each page. I have tried using php classes with the str_replace() function but that failed. It recognizes the variable I want to replace and the variable I want to replace it with but somehow replaces it with blank space. The following was my attempt:

class template {
//this template will replace {artist} with the artist's name
var $template;

//This method will import the contents of the template file into the template property of the class
function load_tpl($filename) {
$this->template = file_get_contents($filename);

//This method will replace the tag_names found in the template with the given replacement data
function parse_tags($tag_name, $replacememt) {
$this->template = str_replace($tag_name, $replacement, $this->template);
echo "replace ".$tag_name." with ".$replacememt;

//This method will output the contents of the template file to the browser
function output() {
echo $this->template;

and that failed

So now I have decided to try XTemplates and we'll see how that goes.

So the new XTemplate setup is working props to Peter for the tips on how to use it. Here it is:


//load new xtemplate
$xtpl = new XTemplate('artist_page.xtpl');

//this template will replace {artist} with the artist's name
$xtpl->assign('artist', $artist);

//output new page

definitely much simpler than the previous code block.

Now on to add more functionality!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Its the beginning of the end

I had been posting (if infrequently) in a previous blog on my school's site. But I thought it would be a good idea to get out there on the interweb and start my on personal blog. I am currently a CS major at Plymouth State University. I will be using this blog to post my ideas, breakthroughs and projects and other random stuff.