Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Updated Project: New Artist Schedules

Our site allgoodseats.com has been updated with our users in mind. we want to give instant access to the top artists that are playing currently while still allowing easy access to all other artists. The popular artists and their full tour schedules can be found at allgoodseats.com/concert-tickets.html. The artist schedules are updated daily so any new dates added will not be missed and you can view more information about any tour date by followoing the link for that event.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Project Finally Finished

After many weeks of writing code and debugging our new project is finally launched: Fans in the Stands. This site is all about the artists. You can view their biography, discography and tour dates. Each artist has their own page all about them with up to date tour schedule. Each tour date has its own event page with more information.

Lots of functionality in this site and the potential to add lots more. User accounts will probably be added in the future where fans can favorite artists and receive live updates of those artist's tours or be notified of artists coming near their city. If you have any ideas or criticisms please respond.